Friday, November 19, 2010

A rose is not a rose is not a rose

While I am a total sucker for a dozen roses*, I am fairly ambivalent about roses in the garden.

It's not that I don't love them. When climbing 'New Dawn' is in bloom, I covet those rambling vines. But overall, I keep my distance. Roses are a group of plants that are more susceptible to diseases and insects than other flora. A plant pathologist's nightmare.

Listen up cause I've found a good one: Rosa 'Julia Child.'

Keep in mind that these pictures we taken in late October. Does your rose have flowers and foliage this beautiful in October? No.The young flowers are a delicious golden yellow with the fragrance of cloves or licorice.
As they age, the flowers open and fade to light yellow with pink-flushed edges. The scent changes to a softer, romantic rose scent
I think they are much more interesting than Knockout Roses.

Dark green foliage, good pest resistance, gorgeous flowers and a spicy fragrance. Ten out of ten.

If you are a horticultural professional, you can get them at Dudley Nursery in Thomson, Georgia.

*If you want some long-stemmed roses, try The 'Crown Majesty' roses last forever and have the longest stems imaginable.


  1. I am looking to see two of these show up on my doorstep!!!! Great spending the morning coffee break with you.

  2. I like flowers,It's look very nice.



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