Hey landscapers......You know how you've made a conscious decision to support local restaurants that use produce, meats and cheeses from sources that are close to home? And how you've started shopping a the farmer's market more often?
Are you making the same decisions about the plants you are buying for your landscape jobs?
I'm not opposed to plants that are "from off," but when you have a local option I think you should use it!
In Charleston, there are many wholesale nurseries that grow everything from ground-hugging herbs to towering trees. Are these nurseries the first that you call when it's time to place an order?
If you are looking for perennials (including regular and creeping Rosemary, people), look to Parson's Nursery, just south of Georgetown.
I saw a neat Columbine there this week called "Winky Double." (I think a Brit must have named this plant. I don't think that Americans use the work "Winky" very often!)
Winky Double is a delight. Columbine is my favorite flower. They seed themselves around. Most are pink with white ruffles, but occasionally I get a purple that looks a lot like this one.