Many of you in Charleston know (or know of) Jim Martin. As the director of the
Charleston Parks Conservancy, he can be found planning and planting throughout the city. On Friday, Jim donated his time to create a container garden for the
Charleston Horticultural Society's Plantasia preview party, FETE.
Here is what Jim looks like on a typically Friday morning (during set-up for the plant sale):

And here he is on an untypical Friday night:

Needless to say, his alter ego was a real charmer. It takes real skill to garden, make daiquiris
and wear high heels all at once and Jim (Jamie?) did it with finesse.

If you missed Friday night's festivities, you'll have another chance to
experience Jim Martin on May 10 at 6:30 (Charleston Museum on Meeting Street). He's the speaker for May meeting of the Charleston Horticultural Society and he'll be talking about
and creating vertical gardens.
This is not to be missed. I'm serious.
Your pics are not showing up in this entry ? Try again, Gina are my love. Thanks for the promo for the Monday night lecture coming up. Great seeing you at the party. I did have a great time!