Monday, February 8, 2010

Indian Hawthorn Choices

I hesitate to endorse an Indian Hawthorn (Raphiolepis indica). Whenever I declare a cultivar to be completely resistant to the dreaded Entomosporium Leaf Spot, I am proved wrong within a week or two.

But I've got my eye on a new cultivar call 'Spring Sonata.' Not only does it look great from a disease-resistance standpoint, but it the foliage is a soft blue-green. This selection, from the Southern Living plant collection, has white flowers in the early spring. Growing to a maximum size of about 5-feet high and wide, this plant is suitable for most gardens. Over the next year, I'm going to evaluate this plant in both the nursery and landscape to see if it is, in fact, a good replacement for 'Alba' and some of the other selections that dominate the market. ('Alba' is a good cultivar as long as you purchase disease-free plants, space them properly and keep the leaves dry.)
The only nursery I know in the area that is growing this cultivar is Parsons Nursery in Georgetown, South Carolina (wholesale only).

I've also got my eye on a couple of cultivars called 'Snow White' and 'Snow.' I've seen some beautiful 'Snow White' plants at Dudley Nursery in Thomson, Georgia and I am hopeful that they are going to perform as well.

I'll keep you posted,


  1. We have had good luck with Eleanor Taber and Olivia. Not spot proof but resistant. Now if we could find one deer don't like to eat.



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